This exclusive relationship retreat is designed to

These exclusive one couple relationship retreats have been tailor designed to meet the specific needs of your situation, to overcome the key problems in your relationship and provide you with skills to increase your overall levels of happiness and connection (e.g. infidelity, communication break down, lack of supportiveness, loss of sex and intimacy).

Through a combination of video sessions, practical exercises and couple counselling, you will learn science-based strategies to turn your relationship around.

What skills you will learn?

  • Intimacy
    How to improve your levels of sex and intimacy.
  • Communication
    How to communicate and listen to each other.
  • Connection
    How to re-vitalise your relationship and bring back the spark.
  • Supportiveness
    How to be more supportive and work as a team.
  • Resentments
    How to let go of resentments and move forward.
  • Goal setting
    How to create a shared vision for the future.
“Take action now and invest
in getting the relationship
you both deserve.”